You have an analytic mind and you keep thinking about all matters quite deeply, which have the consequence of creating a disturbed state of mind, which you need to avoid for a peaceful mind and life.
You generally consider everyone to be good unless proven otherwise, which some people could take advantage of, at times. You need to analyse people based on their behaviour over a period of time and do not presume the outcomes.
Following this principle, along with being objective in your approach would surely get you success. Adopt a diplomatic communication in all the formal environments .
As per your chart, you may like to be more aggressive in taking initiatives. You have a fairly good and comfortable life ahead and you would lead a happy, peaceful and prosperous life.
Best Wishes.
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Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord retrograde Jupiter exalted in the eighth house conjunct Ketu; Mercury posited in the Lagna; Sun conjunct Saturn, Venus, Moon and Rahu posited in the second house.