As per your chart, you are a dynamic person with multiple skills and ability to manage complex situations. You have a sharp mind and quick thinking ability. You are generally cool even during disturbed situations.
We presume the birth details shared are yours and not that of your husband's and the analysis can be done only on your chart. You may need to modify and prioritise your goals and responsibilities, this will bring you some peace.
You have a favourable time starting Dec 2024. The upcoming time this year would bring in more responsibilities which you need to anticipate and decide on the future course of action.
Best Wishes.
Mesha Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the ninth house conjunct Moon and Ketu; tenthlord Saturn exalted and posited in the seventh house conjunct Jupiter; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 31; Rahu Maha Dasha with Rahu Antar Dasha ongoing and Jupiter Antar Dasha starts from Dec 2024.