You have an analytic mind with the ability to go in to minute details. You absorb things quicker than others.
The current ongoing time is moderately conducive and favourable to you for the next two months, for you to take a carefully calibrated decision regarding your change of profession.
Overall you have a dynamic and volatile time ongoing till Mar 2024 thus you need to decide keeping all your interests in mind with respect to your career and profession.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the fourth house; Tenth lord Mars posited conjunct Rahu in the third house; Retrograde Jupiter debilitated and posited in the seventh house; Mercury posited in the eleventh house; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with Ketu Antar Dasha till Mar 2024 and Venus Pratyantar Dasha up to end May 2023.