You have a hard working approach to achieve things in life and have good energy. At times you may lack in persistence which you need to develop.
The current ongoing time is positive for you and there are good chances of making your life better and positive thus you can decide positively on your new offer which is available to you.
You will have good earnings and you need to work hard and with sincerity for the next decade and there after you have a pretty positive time starting in 2031 which will span for almost two decades.
Best Wishes.
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Tula Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in the second house conjunct debilitated tenth lord Moon, eleventh lord Sun, ninth lord Mercury and Rahu; Jupiter posited in the Lagna; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with a benefic Saturn Antar Dasha; Venus Maha Dasha starts from Oct 2031.