You have a balanced mind and you think from all perspectives in your life, whether in the profession or in personal life. Although, there could be possibilities of you taking spontaneous decisions which may not be productive.
You will have quite a hectic, active but yet quite satisfying time this year and ahead in your career. The current period is quite positive for you to take some initiatives in your career and the current year till around mid of 2023 is quite conducive to you as per your chart.
Keep up your hard work and efforts and you will duly get rewarded in due course of time.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the third house in exaltation; Fifth lord Jupiter, tenth lord Sun, eleventh lord Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the lagna; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 36 and that of eleventh house is 44; Venus Maha Dasha with Saturn Antar Dasha ongoing and Mercury Pratyantar Dasha spans up to March 2023.