You always are energetic and have good zeal and enthusiasm and energy to take up any of your duties. Your chart shows, you do not hesitate to take risks and you take well planned and thought out actions.
As per your chart, the most suitable business career options for you could be those related to agriculture, dairy products, sculptures and artefacts, technical products, products of healthcare, products of fine arts, products related to feminine industry like cosmetics, beauty products, fashion articles, garments and textiles etc.
You can further expand the list based on your competence, knowledge of the product-line and interest.
Best Wishes.
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Tula Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in the seventh house and tenth lord Moon conjunct retrograde Jupiter posited in the Lagna; Eleventh lord Sun posited in the eighth house conjunct retrograde Mercury; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 37.