As per your chart, you will have the comfort of your own home. The current ongoing time is moderately good for you to start the process of buying a house in your name.
The time up to the end of the year 2024 is conducive for your to procure a property and you could be successful. You may face some challenges for the same but you will be able to overcome them.
You have a definite comfort and pleasure indications of your own house in your chart.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the third house in debilitation conjunct Mercury; Fourth lord mars posited in the ascendant conjunct Venus and Ketu; Moon posited in debilitation in the fourth house and in Navamsa conjunct fourth lord Mars; Fourth lord of Chaturthamsha is Venus and is posited in the fourth house there, conjunct Moon, Mars and Rahu; Ashtakavarga score of fourth house of Chaturthamsha is 31.