You have an ever active mind which is never calm and this aspect of yours will make you less able to focus and concentrate on your tasks and objectives at hand. You get distracted quite easily on small matters.
You should start meditation early in the mornings which will give you good energy and boost your confidence level along with the ability to keep your mind calm and cool in all circumstances. Meditation will work very nicely for your as per your chart.
Additionally you can visit a Devi temple on Fridays and take the blessings for a fruitful life and success in your studies. Along with all these you need to put in dedicated hard work in your studies and academics to succeed.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha lagna with the lagna lord retrograde Saturn posited in the fourth house and Mars posited in the lagna; Lord of fourth house Venus posited in the eleventh house in conjunction with Sun and Ketu.
Retrograde Jupiter posited in the fifth house conjunct Rahu; Ashtakavarga score of fourth house is 32.