Astrology gives a general direction and guidance and not predictions, after which the results depend on the extent and intensity of our efforts.
You have an attractive personality. You keep your thoughts to yourself and generally do not share them easily with your friends. Sometimes you blame yourself even for things which are not under your control.
The current ongoing time is conducive for your marriage till around Dec 2023 and thereafter again a favourable time starts from Jan 2025 onwards till around the end of 2027.
Your spouse could be a person with good height, well built with an athletic appearance and would have quite good earning potential.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter posited in the eleventh house conjunct Venus and Rahu; Moon posited in the third house conjunct retrograde Saturn; Seventh lord Mercury posited in the tenth house in exaltation conjunct Sun; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with Mercury Antar Dasha till Dec 2023 and thereafter Venus Antar Dasha starts from Jan 2025 onwards.