Dear Rakesh,
2020 year has set some disruptions in your life, and you need to understand the cause and background of these by looking within you deeply. You are under a transformation spell and what you have been living till now needs to change for the betterment.
Financial situation will improve after April 2023, you will have a new begiining in career.
Take things slowly, if you hurry into some business or new domain, you will have to struggle. Better find some stability and wait for life to take you through new people and journeys in your life, go with the flow for next 4-5 years.
With that foundation, built properly, you can then look for esatblishing yourself in business or in another pursuit by then.
Sadesati phase bringing turmoils and afecting moon which is lord of 2nd house of savings, earnings, and wealth.
Jupiter dasha is in its last phase and life is at a turning point in 2023 for new beginnings.
Native needs to wait and be patient before endeavoring into new adventures.