You are a smart and intelligent individual and have a sound judgement of situations and persons. You are blessed to have a very good friends circle.
A better analysis of the compatibility of yours along with your husband can be done with the birth chart details of your husband also. As per your chart, your chart the current ongoing time is quite positive and conducive to you from all perspectives of relationship, family and finances and this positive period extends up to mid 2024.
Your married life would be happier and satisfactory in general with conjugal bliss.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna lagna with lagna lord Mercury posited in the lagna in conjunction with Venus; Seventh lord retrograde Jupiter posited in the fifth house in conjunction with Rahu; Retrograde Jupiter is debilitated in Navamsha conjunct Mercury and Moon.
Venus Maha Dasha ongoing with Jupiter Antar Dasha till mid of 2024.