You have a soft approach to various people and situations which would trigger a worrying nature a little too earlier.
The current time is moderate for you and things will gradually start easing out starting from Oct 2023 onwards.
You can recite the following mantras for relief:-
ऊँ क्राम क्रीं क्रौं सह भौमाया नमः ऊँ अम अंगारकाय नमः
Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhoumaaya Namah, Om Am Angaarakaaya Namah
Keep up your efforts with specialist advice from professionals and you will start getting relieved from your problems.
Best Wishes.
PS: Please download Taaraka App to avail our premium sessions.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter posited in the sixth house conjunct Saturn; Ketu posited in the Lagna; Venus exalted and posited in the fourth house; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with Sun Antar Dasha and Moon Antar Dasha starts Oct 2023.