You are generally a straight-forward person and are quite protective of your family and relationships. You need to change your communication style towards being more diplomatic and tactical.
The current ongoing time is dynamic and volatile for you and things would gradually start changing over from July 2023 onwards. As per your chart, you can recite the below given mantra fro getting good relief from most of the issues.
ॐ ग्राम ग्रीम ग्रौं सः बृहस्पतये नमः ॐ ब्रूम बृहस्पतये नमः
Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Brihaspataye Namah, Om Broom Brihaspataye Namah
Meditation has definite advantage in lifting your mood and general well being. Also, be objective in all your goals at least for a while, till you see things turning positive.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter posited in the second house in debilitation; Rahu Posited in the Lagna and Ketu conjunct Saturn posited in the seventh house with Saturn aspecting the ninth house; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing with Ketu Antar Dasha and Venus Antar Dasha Starts from July 2023.