Your mind is never stable and calm and you are always busy thinking and conflicting within your self, this is your biggest drawback as per your chart.
You have a volatile and dynamic time ongoing which would span till Feb 2024 and thereafter things will gradually start changing over positively for you.
In the interim you can recite the below mantra for getting relief:-
|| ॐ वाम श्रीम वाम अयेइम ह्रीं श्रीम क्लीं कनाक्धारायेई नमः ||
Om Vaam Shreem Vam Ayeim Hreem Shreem Kleem Kanakdhaaraayei Namah
Best Wishes.
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Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the eleventh house in exaltation and in conjunction with Rahu; Sun conjunct Venus posited in the Lagna; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing with Saturn Antar Dasha till Feb 2024 and Mercury Antar Dasha starts thereafter.