As per your chart, the current period is moderately conducive from your health perspective and most of the negative period would gradually change over from May 2024 onwards and start giving you healing from your problems.
You should start getting much better and then most your health issues should subside to a great extent.
We suggest you to start the practice of Yoga under the guidance of a professional and especially the Pranayam and Anulom-Vilom asanas of the Yoga, which have tremendous healing potential in many cases.
You should of course continue with the professional medical advice sincerely.
Best Wishes.
PS: Please download Taaraka App to avail our premium sessions.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the sixth house and Sun posited in the Lagna; Mercury conjunct Rahu posited in the second house; Mars Maha Dasha with Sun Antar Dasha ongoing followed by Moon Antar Dasha up to May 2024.