You have a balanced and docile thinking and you generally tend to give the benefit of doubt to everyone in life.
As per your chart, the chance of a second marriage is pretty good. The time starting from Jan 2023 starts changing positive and if possible you should wait till March 2025 as the time then onwards is conducive for your marriage.
Before getting in to a relationship again, spend some time with the probable future life partner to get ascertained on the stability aspects. You would have a happy married life in times ahead with conjugal happiness.
Best Wishes.
Kanya lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the fifth house in conjunction with an exalted Mars and Venus; Lord of seventh house Jupiter in conjunction with the lord of twelfth house Sun in the fourth house.
Jupiter is under the Moola Nakshatra; Sun Maha Dasha running till March 2025 and Saturn Antar Dasha till Dec 2022.