You have an attractive and magnetic personality. You generally try to balance out everything in every situation in a justifiable way.
As per your chart, your love life would be good and satisfactory overall, with some frictions now and then, which you may need to take control of along with your better half. Things will start changing and become more positive by the end of this year and the beginning of 2023.
You would have a good professional life and it would be consistent. Your financial condition would keep getting better gradually with your own efforts. Keep working on your relationships and financials, you have a good life ahead.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the twelfth house in conjunction with Sun; Moon is posited in the lagna in conjunction with Venus.
Lord of seventh house Jupiter posited in the eleventh house giving full aspect to the seventh house; Retrograde Saturn posited in the seventh house with full mutual aspect with Moon and Venus. Jupiter Maha Dasha running with Mars Antar Dasha till Nov 2022.