You have an intrinsic mind and you do not open up to others quite easily. As per your chart, emotions and sentiments mainly drive your thoughts and they are quite important for you and you bring them on in every part of your life.
These are the aspects you may like to change, for having good and satisfactory life. You can start meditation early mornings followed by some yoga session which will boost your mental state in a positive way and keep you calm through the day.
Meditation has definite advantage in lifting your mood and general well being. Also, be objective in all your relationships at least for a while, till you see things turning positive.
Best Wishes
Mesha Lagna with exalted Sun conjunct Venus in the Lagna; Lagna lord in the third house; Moon conjunct retrograde Saturn in the eighth house; Ketu in the sixth house under Hasta Nakshatra.
Dhanu lagna in the Vimshamsha; Sun conjunct Jupiter in the twelfth house in the Vimshamsha;