You are a person with an independent thinking style and although you listen to those around, you take decisions based on your own analysis.
When a chart is required to be analysed with respect to any second person, the birth details of the second person are also required to be analysed, here in case of your father-in-law. As per your chart, you have a strong residential comfort and all other things associated with home, at all times in your life.
The current ongoing time is also favourable to you till April 2023, so the chances of staying home are better till then, after which there could be a change.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu lagna with the lagna lord and lord of fourth house Meena, Jupiter posited in the eleventh house in Tula Rashi conjunction with retrograde Venus, retrograde Mercury and Rahu; Lord of fourth house of Chaturthamsha is also Jupiter and is exalted and posited in the eleventh house conjunct retrograde Venus.
Jupiter transiting in the Meena the fourth house till April 2023; Jupiter Maha Dasha with Mercury Antar Dasha ongoing.