You have a free unbound mind with a little lesser patience and you would succeed in any job/venture where there are not too many restrictions.
The current time is gradually changing over for you as per your chart from Aug 2022 onwards till Sep 2025. During this period you may get both successes and failures with positive developments being more. Accordingly you may decide on the future course of action. Stay away from partnerships as that may not be suitable to you.
You would succeed in your venture gradually and you just need to get on with patience and determination.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha lagna with the lagna lord retrograde Saturn posited in the third house in debilitation; Rahu posited in the lagna and Moon posited in the fourth house with full aspect on the tenth house; Jupiter, debilitated Venus and Mercury conjunct in the eighth house.
Saturn Maha Dasha ongoing currently with Venus Antar Dasha starting in Aug 2022 and spans till Sep 2025.