You have a determined will and you put in all the best possible efforts till you achieve your objectives, without resting. You are also quite choosy about what you need and your choices will always be unique and different.
Also, as per your chart, there could be chances of losing some interest or enthusiasm in your profession, which you should guard against. The current time is not conducive for you to take a break and a favourable time for the same starts from end of Dec 2023 or beginning of Jan 2024.
You will have a consistent professional graph for which if possible you may like to avoid long breaks and instead go for shorter ones.
Best Wishes.
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Cancer ascendant with the ascendant lord Moon posited in the second house and retrograde Saturn posited in the ascendant; Tenth lord Mars retrograde and posited in the eleventh and Venus conjunct North Node (Rahu) posited in the fourth; South Node (Ketu) posited in the tenth; North Node (Rahu) major period ongoing and South Node (Ketu) sub period ongoing currently and Venus sub period starts from Dec 2023.