You have a dynamic and attractive personality. You would have the ability to make quick decisions and take control of the situations in life.
Users are encouraged to ask only one question. You are quite fortunate in terms of your life partner and at the same time there could be some situations where you could take the back seat in your relationships, this could happen couple of times initially and you can avoid those with truthful communication.
As per your chart, there is still good time before you can get into nuptial knot and you can utilise the interim period for pursuing other objectives of your life. You have quite a positive time of your life from the age of 26 years which would last for over two decades.
Best Wishes.
Virgo ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the fifth house conjunct Sun; Seventh lord Jupiter retrograde and posited in the twelfth house; Venus exalted in the seventh house; Jupiter posited conjunct North Node (Rahu) in the seventh house of divisional chart 9 (Navamsa).