Since the place of birth for your chart was not mentioned and only the state was provided, it was presumed as Kolkata for chart preparation.
You have a charming and magnetic personality. You like the fast lane of life but at and with a subtle hidden aggressive thinking style and mindset.
Astrology cannot analyse whether you will get in to a marital relationship with a particular person but a compatibility analysis and study can be done. As per the birth details of your husband provided, you and your husband are compatible to a good extent in many ways.
Long lasting relationships are always based on truthful and transparent communication from all the sides. Thus if you or he takes the initiative, a re-union is quite possible.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with the lagna lord Venus posited in the tenth house and Mercury posited in the lagna; Seventh lord Mars retrograde and posited in the sixth house conjunct Moon; retrograde Jupiter posited in the eighth and Sun in the twelfth house; Ashtakoota Matching between both the charts is more than 85%.