Your professional career would generally be stable and as per your chart, you would have professional changes in the positive direction.
A prospective change could be there for you after Nov 2023 onwards which would be beneficial to you. Thus your sincere efforts in this direction could bear fruits well in time.
At times, there could be some delays in getting benefits but it is sure, you will get them. So please put your best efforts, stay positive, plan and take a well thought out steps.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu lagna with the lagna lord Jupiter posited in the twelfth house conjunct ninth lord Sun; Moon conjunct mars posited in the ninth house; tenth lord Mercury posited in the eleventh house conjunct Venus and Rahu; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 38; Sun Maha Dasha ongoing and changes over to Moon Maha Dasha from Nov 2023.