You have quite a cheerful, lively and magnetic personality, also you are a serious thinker and are generally careful in relationships.
As per your chart, you would have a good and satisfactory marital relation with your partner. The time starting from Jan 2024 is favourable to you, thus you may like to check the relationship for some more time before final decision.
Astrology can help you in analysing the compatibility of yours with other person based on both the birth charts, but it won't be able to advice whether you should get married to a particular person.
Best Wishes.
Leo ascendant with the ascendant lord Sun posited in the seventh house conjunct Mercury and North Node (Rahu); Seventh lord Saturn posited in the ninth house in debilitation conjunct Mars; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 29; Saturn major period ongoing and Venus sub period starts from Jan 2024.