You have a calm mind and you speak with conviction to everyone in your family, friends and professional circle.
As per your chart, the current time is not conducive and favourable to you for changing your job or getting a new job and it would take some time and from April 2023 onwards you have a favourable time starting which could give positive results depending on your qualifications , skills and efforts.
Keep all your hard work and efforts in this direction with sincerity and you would get duly rewarded. You have a good career and a great potential.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the eleventh house in exaltation conjunct Venus; Tenth and fifth lord Mars posited in the Lagna in debilitation; Sun posited in the tenth house is exaltation; Ninth lord Jupiter posited in the twelfth house and Jupiter transits to the tenth house from April 2023 onwards.