You are generally a straight-forward person and are quite protective of your family, property and relationships.
The current time is not conducive for you to go ahead and purchase a new house strictly going by astrological advice. The conducive time for this purchase as per your chart starts from 30 Nov 2022 up to 15 Jan 2023. You can intiate your purchase during this period.
You will always be comfortable in your home and will have all the amenities, as per your chart.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu lagna with the lagna lord and the fourth lord Jupiter posited in the twelfth house; Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Ketu are posited in the lagna in conjunction; Mars is exalted in the second house and Saturn is exalted in the eleventh house.
Mars Maha Dasha ongoing and Jupiter Antar Dasha starts from 30 Nov 2022 and Jupiter Pratyantar Dasha starts from 30 Nov 2022 up to 15 Jan 2023.