You are blessed with good observation skills focus and ability to concentrate. You also have the determination to conquer the difficulties in life.
As per your chart, you have a good possibility of getting a good job in Government and a conducive period starts from Sep 2025 and the results would equally depend on the extent of your efforts and preparation.
As per your chart you have a stable career and income. There could be some temporary delays in getting benefits but it is sure, you will get them.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the twelfth house conjunct Venus; Moon posited in the Lagna in debilitation with Neecha Bhanga Yog; tenth lord Sun posited in the tenth house conjunct Mercury and Rahu; Venus Maha Dasha ongoing with Saturn Antar Dasha and Mercury Antar Dasha starts from Sep 2025.