You have a charming and magnetic personality. You are quite energetic in all your actions, emotionally strong and you generally are quite careful in all your actions.
You are quite fortunate in terms of your life partner and marriage. The chances of an arranged marriage are better than a love marriage. You would marry a person of your liking and selection. The current period is conducive for your marriage till around May 2023.
Your life partner would have a good social position and would be well educated with good earning potential. You can share the birth details of the prospect with an astrologer for compatibility analysis.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha lagna with the lagna lord Saturn posited in the lagna; Moon posited in the third house; Seventh lord Sun posited in the tenth house conjunct Mars and Ketu; Ninth lord Venus posited in the ninth house conjunct Jupiter and Mercury with full mutual aspect with Moon.
Sun Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till May 2023.