You are a soft and gentle individual with a strong and active mind. You think a lot for making a decision.
The current time is changing over for you towards more positivity and you can expect positive developments from June 2024 onwards
The fields which could be suitable to you as per your chart are security Industry, Oil related service or business, hospitality sector, manufacturing sector, metals, mining and metallurgy sector, adventure sector and other related fields which you may think of based on your qualifications and skillsets.
You have a good and prosperous life ahead.
Best Wishes.
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Makara Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn posited in the tenth house in exaltation; Tenth lord Venus posited in the eighth house conjunct Mars, Moon and Mercury; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 32; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing and Saturn Antar Dasha starts from June 2024.