You have a charming and an attractive personality. You are quite a vivid thinker and you would have an imaginative mind. You could have a tendency to analyse things superficially without going in to details.
As per your chart, there are indications of some friction and a rift in your marital relationships which could lead you in to other relationships, which of course can be overcome with sheer determination fro your side, if required.
The current ongoing time is volatile and you need to take every step after giving a good thought over it.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the sixth house conjunct Sun; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the lagna; Saturn in conjunction with Venus posited in the seventh house.
Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 17 and Ashtakavarga score of seventh house of Navamsha is 19; Moon Maha Dasha ongoing with Saturn Antar Dasha till Sep 2023.