You are an honest and hard working individual who has a strong determination to achieve things you decide. Your professional career would pick up in due course of time with a positive growth in the future.
You would do quite well in your homeland than in a foreign country in your life, although you could move to a foreign country to achieve your objective. Your professional life would generally be stable with good scope for prosperity.
You have a good and supportive time ongoing till the second half of the year 2024 to take new initiatives. You would do well in life and prosper.
Best Wishes.
Mesha Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the ninth house; Ninth lord retrograde Jupiter and tenth lord retrograde Saturn posited in the Lagna; Ketu posited in the tenth house and Moon in the twelfth house; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till Aug 2024.