You are hard working, have quite a calculative and analytical mind and this quality will support you in the long run.
The professional line of business in textile and transportation both are suitable to you and the aspect related to textile is placed better than transportation in your chart. There could be a time in future, when you could lose interest in the business which could be due to any reason. You need to resist such thoughts and keep moving ahead in life.
You will succeed in the business venture and will earn and accumulate sufficient wealth through your life.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord retrograde Mars posited in the tenth house; Jupiter conjunct Venus in the lagna; Saturn posited in own Moolatrikona sign in the fourth house in natal chart and Saturn posited in the fourth house in Dashamsha as well.
Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in Vrischika in the Dashamsha and are both Vargottam.