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Hello sir, I have a 2.5 years long, healthy flourishing realtionship with my girlfriend. We both love each other. But I have this tendency of dishonesty and hiding things like talking to other girls and flirty talks from her. I loved her sincerely but sometimes i talk to other girls just for fun and no real causes. Now suddenly in May she found out all this and decided to break up with me. Firstly I thought that this was temporary because she love me more that she will forgive me but 10 days ago her behaviour is completely changed for me and asked me to leave and never come back. I am not able to forget about her sir. I accepted all of my mistakes and my apologized to her, literally begging but she is not forgiving me. She said she is now in a new realtionship with someone. What should I do now? I can't get off her my head and my in mind I always imagine her. Please help me out sir.

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Asked On: 

Aug 13, 2022



You have a handsome and attractive personality. You are an open minded individual with high energy levels.

As per your chart, there could be a good delay in your bonding the relationship with your future spouse. Astrology would not be able to give you information whether you will marry a particular person, it however can provide the extent of matching and compatibility between the two partners by analysing both the charts.

The current ongoing time for the next eight months till April 2023 is conducive to you for making good any relationship aspects which you plan. There could be some setbacks in your relationships in your life, which need to be taken care of with gentle and careful approach.

Best Wishes.



Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury exalted and posited in the Lagna in conjunction with Sun and Rahu; Seventh and fourth lord Jupiter posited in the fourth house; Saturn retrograde and posited in the seventh house in conjunction with Ketu; Seventh lord Jupiter is currently in transit in the seventh house Meena till April 2023.

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