You have a charming and attractive personality and you generally have a soft and delicate approach to everything in life.
The time is not yet ripe for you to get along with a boyfriend and you may have to still wait for some time for that. The time commencing from July 2024 onwards is conducive for you to come to know about your boyfriend and proceed further thereafter.
You will have quite a satisfying and fulfilling life for the next two decades and you will have all the comforts and happiness.
Best Wishes.
Leo ascendant with the ascendant lord Sun posited in the fourth house in conjunction with retrograde Mercury, Moon and Venus; Seventh lord retrograde Saturn is posited in the twelfth house in Cancer and is posited in the Divisional Chart 9 (Navamsha) in cancer in the eleventh house conjunct Venus and Jupiter; Venus Major Period ongoing up to Feb 2040 and Moon Sub Period starts from July 2024.