You have a positive approach to wards achieving things in life and you do not give up on things easily, you need to maintain this attribute always for success.
The sector of textiles and garments is suitable and favourable to you for taking up a business venture. The upcoming time from Sep 2022 is favourable to you for taking new initiatives. You need to plan and work towards your business requirements diligently for success. You would gradually have a good earnings.
Avoid any spontaneous decisions in your business. You would be able to generate earnings as per your chart, there is a good potential.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with the lagna lord Venus posited in the eleventh house conjunct Jupiter; Tenth lord Moon posited in the seventh house; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 39; Moon Maha Dasha is ongoing and Mars Antar Dasha starts from Sep 2022.