As per your chart, you would have a suppressed aggression which would be eating up your energy internally.
The property issue with your brother should start getting settled by the year 2024 and it may not get settled completely in your favour and you may have to accept some kind of compromise, which would be the best course, as per the indications in your chart.
There could be some delays in getting benefits but it is sure, you will get them. So please put your best efforts, stay positive, plan and take a well thought out steps.
Good Luck.
Vrischika Lagna with Lagna lord retrograde Mars in the Lagna; Fourth Lord Saturn is debilitated in the sixth house conjunct Moon and Venus in the domain of the Lagna lord Mesha.
In the Chaturthamsha Mars is the Lagna lord and posited in the Fourth house in Kumbha and fourth lord Saturn is in the ninth house conjunct Venus; Rahu Maha Dasha running and Saturn Antar Dasha running till April 2024.