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I made a mess of my life. I lost my job at the beginning of this year and within a couple of days had to quarantine for two weeks due to COVID in the family. I don't know why, I started gambling online during this period. I lost my money, took out loans to try to get back that money and slowly buried myself in debt to the point of no return. Here I am today, completely numb, depressed and hopeless. I have dues pending and it is making me go suicidal. Let me mention, I am in Canada and about 70K in debt. I just don't know what to do? Can you guide me, can I ever recover from this hell? P.S. My mom does not remember my birth time. She says it is between 5:15 - 6 AM

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Hard Times







Asked On: 

Aug 4, 2022



Dear Biswas,

From the brief description of what you have mentioned, it looks like your time should be more towards 5:45 AM and afterwards.

You should avoid risky speculations like gambling for atleast 2-3 years. You can get creative slowly with your money after developing skills in gaming and betting in skilled sports.

You should pursue to find a new Job and that you will get soon. Try some freelance works untill you get a good Job and this can happen by February 2023.

Have faith and hope, you should stay in foreign land for longer and make your growth there. You can start a business too once you are prepared for it little later in life. You will be able to clear your debts soon.

You should pursue and in next 10 years you will grow well. Your best times are yet to come.



Jupiter dasha underway with Jup-Sat antardasha at begnning of year. Lord of 12th and 3rd house Jupiter sitting in 8th will propel towards quick wins and sudden events positive as well as negative in life.

Jupiter-Mercury Dasha Mercury being lord of 6th and in 2nd house and Saturn transit in aquarius and being in 6th from rashi chart will stabilize Job situation. Jupiter favours foreign pursuits.

Transit of Ketu in 10th house can help freelance pursuits.

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Hard Times


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