You generally have quite a practical approach to life. You would be clean in your mind and always be able to cover and keep all sides happy. You have a good temperament and will always be appreciated for this.
As per your chart, you would have a good relationship with your mother and the current ongoing time is quite an opportune time for amending the relationship if required and taking it to the next level.
As a remedial measure you can serve the poor with food especially on Saturdays whenever possible, to alleviate any relationship issues in the family.
Best Wishes.
Meena lagna with the lagna lord Jupiter posited in the seventh house; Lord of fourth house Mercury posited in the fourth house conjunct Sun; Lord of fifth house Moon posited in the second house conjunct Venus.
Retrograde Saturn posited in the fourth house conjunct Mercury in Dwadashamsha; Moon Maha Dasha ongoing and spans up to 2030.