You have a hard working attitude and as per your chart, you need to develop being persistent with efforts over long periods of time, which you could be lacking in.
You should first work towards gaining knowledge and keep it as a daily routine. You should focus on your career and be frank in your self-interest, as you rarely speak for yourself but think a lot about it and that brings sadness in your life.
Overall you will have a good life with satisfactory earnings and livelihood. You have a good family life ahead.
Best Wishes.
Makar lagna with lagna lord in the second house; Jupiter retrograde in the eleventh house; Ninth house lord in the fifth house; In the Dashamsha Ketu in the ninth house.
Seventh lord Moon conjunct Sun and Ketu in the fourth house and seventh lord Moon is conjunct Sun in the Navamsha also in the sixth house; Tenth lord Venus exalted in the third house.