You could be spending good time pondering and thinking over various situations, which causes stress and anxiety on your life.
You have to settle things at the personal level as well as the professional level. You could be facing a standstill at many fronts, which nothing but a time of hardship to force you to change.
Modify your habits and prioritise your goals and responsibilities, this will bring you some peace. The current ongoing time would take some time to changeover and by mid 2024 things would be relatively better.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn posited in the seventh house conjunct Jupiter and Rahu; Ketu posited in the Lagna; Sun posited in debilitation in the ninth house conjunct Mercury and Venus; Mars posited in debilitation in the sixth house; Moon posited in debilitation in the tenth house; All debilitations have Neecha Bhanga Raj Yog; Ketu Maha Dasha ongoing till mid 2024; Venus Maha Dasha starts thereafter.