You have quite a docile personality internally, however externally you could apparently seem to be aggressive to your friends and colleagues, as you could have a different style of thinking as per your chart.
You may be required to manage your personality perception and try and make yourself docile to others as required. You need to be soft and approachable to others and be in sync with others whom you care for.
Also you could be getting angered quickly, would have anxiety occasionally, which could be related to excessive thinking and worrying on your part. You need to take a smooth approach to every situation.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the tenth house in conjunction with Rahu; Mercury posited in the lagna as lord of eleventh house; Moon posited in the seventh house having full aspect on the lagna.
Saturn retrograde and debilitated in the sixth house and Sun debilitated and conjunct Venus in the twelfth house;