As per your chart, you have quite a good and conducive period running currently and you could get some pleasant news or experience pleasant things by Aug 2023 and thereafter any new attempts by you would be mostly successful and fulfilling but could have some opposition.
You just need to decide and start working to achieve your objectives. You will do quite well in your life for yourself and for others as well. At the same time you need to be prepared for some opposition in your job during the second half of this year.
As per your chart you would succeed in life because of your own efforts. You would have a good life ahead.
Best Wishes.
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Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the sixth house conjunct retrograde Jupiter; Tenth lord Mars posited in the tenth house conjunct an exalted Sun; Saturn conjunct Ketu posited in the ninth house; Rahu Maha Dasha with Jupiter Antar Dasha ongoing currently till Aug 2023 and Saturn Antar Dasha starts thereafter.