As per your chart, you have a steadfast approach to acquiring things in life. You will strive and put the effort into your work to perform better every day which will ensure your progress.
The current ongoing time is favourable to you with respect to progress in your career and you could be pleasantly surprised by May 2023. Thereafter your honesty and hard work would help you scale good position within the next couple of years.
You will have a satisfying career where you need to give your best efforts everyday to progress ahead.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna Lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the sixth house; Exalted Jupiter conjunct Moon posited in the second house; Benefic Saturn retrograde and posited in the ninth house in own sign; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Jupiter Antar Dasha up to May 2023; Saturn transits to its own sign Kumbha the ninth house from Jan 2023 onwards.