We have analysed your chart with respect to your married life, which indicates a good and happy married life. The current period is quite volatile and it will remain so till Sep 2025.
You have quite a soft tone and a gentle mind. You could be quite good in your oratory skills. In the meanwhile during this period of volatility you need to use your oratory skills with diplomacy and you should adapt a soft communication style approach with all concerned. We also suggest be honest and transparent in all your actions and keep your husband informed of everything without any bias.
This approach should help you out in getting over the tense situation and will also give a change of behaviour of others around with your changed approach, as there is no major indication of any marital issues in your chart.
Best Wishes.
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Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the eighth house conjunct Venus, seventh lord Saturn and Mercury; Mars posited in debilitation; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 21; Saturn Maha Dasha ongoing with Jupiter Antar Dasha till Sep 2025.