You are a determined person with lot of energy, enthusiasm and zeal to take on any task. You take pride in maintaining your high standards diligently. You have a pretty good memory, courage and intelligence which you need to learn, to use effectively.
You will have good educational qualifications and skill sets, and will also put them to use effectively in your profession. At your individual level you will achieve laurels and you would need to learn to be an effective team player.
You would have an enviable financial worth and would be settled in your life by 32 years of age. You will lead a satisfactory life and would also be able to help others live their lives normally.
Best Wishes.
Rahu in ascendant in Gemini; 4th lord Mercury in 5th house Libra in a friendly sign conjunct the house lord Venus along with Sun.
A pretty high Ashtakavarga score of 37 in both 3rd house and the 10th house gives courage and a successful profession and financial status.