The charts of both the parents, when analysed give better insights in the matters pertaining to progeny and children. As per your chart you could have 2 to 3 children.
Your children are fortunate, they will be quite sharp and good in education. Your children will be talented and will be the source of happiness for you.
Your natal chart infers healthy, intelligent and bright children, those who will keep you proud.
Best Wishes.
Aries ascendant with the ascendant lord Mars posited in the ninth house conjunct South Node (Ketu); Fifth lord Sun posited in the sixth house in conjunction with an exalted and retrograde Mercury and Venus; Sun posited in own sign in the ninth house in the Divisional Chart 9 (Navamsha); The Ashtakavarga score of the fifth house of Divisional Chart 7 (Saptamsha) is 32.