We have analysed your chart with respect to your query. You exhibit your thoughts openly to others which you may think and plan to open up to a only a selected few. You need to avoid getting in to too many details in every matter, which would distract you from your goal and purpose.
The current ongoing time is somewhat volatile for you for the next couple of months and from Dec 2022 onwards things would start settling down gradually and situations could improve thereafter.
Maintain formal relations with everyone around you for couple of months. Observe and listen more and speak only when its necessary. Things would definitely improve for you, if you practice the above.
Best Wishes.
Libra ascendant with the ascendant lord Venus posited in the seventh house in conjunction with North Node (Rahu); Retrograde Saturn posited in the ascendant conjunct the South Node (Ketu); Moon major period with Jupiter sub period ongoing currently and Venus sub-sub period starts in Dec 2022.