As per your chart, you have good earnings and income throughout your life. It also indicates good level of expenses, which would weaken your financial stability only to a limited extent as your earnings would be good.
The next 11 years till the year 2033, are quite good for you with respect to earnings and generating satisfactory wealth for you, the only requirement being, control over your expenses, as they could go over the top.
Persistent hard work and sincere efforts would not only give you peace of mind but will also help in terms of material benefits. Be transparent and honest in all your dealings and things would start getting better for you.
Best Wishes.
A benefic Lagna lord posited in the Lagna in Libra. An exalted Jupiter in the 10th house conjunct the 10th lord Moon showering a strong Gaja Kesari Yoga.
The current Sun Mahadasha and then followed by Moon Mahadasha, of the 11th and 10th lords are good for wealth and profession.
The Ashtakavarga score of 12th house is quite high at 30 indicating higher expenses.