You have quite a charming and dynamic personality. You are generally a straight-forward person and are quite protective of your family and relationships.
The current period is moderately conducive for you in overall perspective and things would start moving positively from the end of the year 2024 and from the year 2028 onwards you could achieve reasonable sense of financial stability.
You would lead a comfortable and satisfactory life ahead and will do good financially..
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter retrograde and posited in the eleventh house; Ketu posited in the Lagna; Tenth lord mercury posited in the sixth house conjunct Venus; Saturn, Moon and Mars are conjunct in the tenth house; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing and Mercury Antar Dasha starts from Oct 2024 and Venus Antar Dasha starts from Jan 2028.